Management Desk

Higher education is the touch stone by which the progress of a nation is measured. In today’s times in keeping with this spirit, K.K. College has been focusing on providing all-round, relevant and comprehensive education to students.
Management Desk

“Education is simply the soul of the society as its passes from one generation to another.” We strongly believe in academics excellence & do not compromise on teaching standards or discipline.
Director's Desk

“The whole purpose of education is to turn mission in to windows”. Education is the fountain head of growth, progress and development in any part of the world. We at K.K. College have structured an effective and holistic education system in a way that prepares and make the
best use of opportunities that the industry sends their way.
-Mr. Narendra Singh Kushwah
Principle’s Desk

The main objective of education is to fill the empty minds with knowledge and values. We are the source of creativity, special skills, extra curricular activities like cultural, sports, NSS, Industrial visits, P.D., Communication skills, art of living etc. We are providing the training to our students by which they can balance their good times & bad times. We are at K.K. College committed to mould our students in a honest, ethical & true citizen of India as well as the in